We’ve had snow here this week, which has been really pretty.
I went out walking with my son today, and held his hand to make sure he didn’t slip over, as it was icy in places. And as we came to a patch of ice on the path, I deliberately walked on the safe, non-icy part.
I haven't blogged for a while.
Partly due to time, but also because I got all in my head about how my blog posts weren't any good... (full disclosure there!) Keeping pesky thoughts in check is an ongoing process :) I finally managed to kick those thoughts aside, and I'm back... with a short post, and a new program announcement... woo hoo! I’ve been making a concerted effort to take care of myself recently:
Monthly massages, physio for some post-pregnancy stomach issues, and planning an Indian head massage when they open after covid... The blog post I wrote last week obviously hit a chord (which is funny, because I didn’t think it was one of my better ones. *Note to self: we are not always the best judges of our own work!)
One of my clients has been working through a difficult issue this week, and we’ve been messaging back and forth.
We got her to a much better place (hooray!), with action steps to take. Her last message to me simply said: “I appreciate you.” I was staying with my in-laws last year, and my father-in-law’s phone was lying next to me on the table.
A message came through, and his phone buzzed loudly. I looked over without thinking. And, as the phone wasn’t locked, I happened to see the message... As I mentioned last week, I don't have a ton of time to myself right now.
I have a toddler, and my business, and we've just moved house - and I'm still looking for random things that disappeared in the move... :) I haven’t written a blog post for a while... I’ve wanted to, but have had a busy few weeks.
And this reminds me of a concept I came across recently with a client. The leader of a Facebook group I'm in asked recently:
“What are you looking forward to next week?” We all know that things are weird right now... I don’t need to tell you that!
It’s easy to feel down with everything that’s going on around us – especially when most of us can’t see friends and family in person. So I thought I’d share tools I’ve been using to pick myself up, while my usual methods of cheering myself up are off limits. |