Ahem. I haven't written a blog post in an incredibly long time.
Some of you (many of you even!) may not even remember who I am. That's ok - reintroductions are a-comin’ :) A summary of goings-on... Unfortunately I've had a really difficult few years. I went through an incredibly difficult time personally – one that I'm still coming out of, to be honest. And anyone who's been through a really difficult time will know that you fall into a (figurative) pit, and it can take a long time to claw your way out. Well, I've been clawing for the last few years! But, I am BACK, and doing much better. (Hooray!) The “funny” thing about having an intense personal setback is that sometimes you come out like yourself, but a whole new model: remade and rebuilt and 100 times stronger. I'm not back to exactly where I want to be yet, but I'm back enough to know that it's time to start blogging again. A bit about me… I’m Claire, and I'm an Accountability and Goals coach. I work with people to get a clear idea of what to work on each week, so they can tick the important things off their to-do list, rather than bumping them to the next day... (or week, or month - yes, I see you! ;) I've been an accountability coach for about seven or eight years. I used to think that my job was “just" accountability, but over the years I've learned that there are three components to what I do. -> The first is accountability, of course. Checking in with people and cheering them on. But before you can even start working on your goals, you need to know what they are. -> So I help people get crystal clear on their goals - what they want their life to look like (and then we make progress towards that). -> The third part is often overlooked but I think it's the most essential… our self-talk. The way we talk to ourselves - that voice inside your head. Not in a “crazy” way, but I think most of us have that constant chatter in the background. And for many of us, that voice is pretty harsh! So a lot of my work is drawing attention to that voice, and talking back to it… (because honestly, most of the time the stuff it's telling us is bullshit!) So that's the focus of my work and these posts:
If that sounds like your thing, I look forward to having you along for the ride! My promise to you... For those of you who remember my blog posts from back in the day, I always tried to be as open and honest as I could in them. [Example: total honesty moment - I've drafted about 10 of these “Hello, remember me?!” posts, but I kept deleting them cause I wasn't happy with them!] It was a good lesson in not needing things to be perfect all the time. This blog post isn't perfect… but it doesn't need to be. Sometimes we just need to focus on the main goal - what outcome we want. My main goal today is just to say: “Hey! It's Claire. It’s been a really long time… but I hope you still enjoy reading these posts”. My aim for my blog posts is to make you feel better about yourself, give you inspiration, but never give you more work to do (who wants that?!) Final thing… I hope you're doing well, and I'm sending tons of love to wherever you are in the world. I always love hearing from people, so feel free to shoot me a line telling me about yourself and your goals if you like! Please know that you are important in the world - and I’ll see you next month! :) Claire ❤
We’ve had snow here this week, which has been really pretty.
I went out walking with my son today, and held his hand to make sure he didn’t slip over, as it was icy in places. And as we came to a patch of ice on the path, I deliberately walked on the safe, non-icy part. Today I wanted to share some questions I wrote for The Bullish Society (where I'm a freelance coach), on wrapping up 2020, and planning for 2021 - as much as we can.
I haven't blogged for a while.
Partly due to time, but also because I got all in my head about how my blog posts weren't any good... (full disclosure there!) Keeping pesky thoughts in check is an ongoing process :) I finally managed to kick those thoughts aside, and I'm back... with a short post, and a new program announcement... woo hoo! For a while, I've been getting up early before my son and husband are awake, to have time to myself and get things done (hooray!)
If I'm lucky, I get two or three hours (they are long sleepers!) But sometimes my son wakes up early, and then I have an hour or less to do my work. An out-of-control to-do list...
Like lots of people, I have many, many tasks I want to get done:
I’ve been making a concerted effort to take care of myself recently:
Monthly massages, physio for some post-pregnancy stomach issues, and planning an Indian head massage when they open after covid... The blog post I wrote last week obviously hit a chord (which is funny, because I didn’t think it was one of my better ones. *Note to self: we are not always the best judges of our own work!)
Busy times...
I've been feeling overwhelmed recently. I'm sure many of you know that feeling ;) I have so much to do, and so many to-do lists... it got to the point that even when I did have a few spare minutes, I didn't know where to start. My two-year-old has recently got into doing jigsaw puzzles... he loves them!
I had to help him at first, but now he can do a few (small) puzzles on his own. Every now and then, however, he'll struggle to fit a piece in, and he has a big old temper tantrum. |