Busy times...
I've been feeling overwhelmed recently. I'm sure many of you know that feeling ;) I have so much to do, and so many to-do lists... it got to the point that even when I did have a few spare minutes, I didn't know where to start.
My two-year-old has recently got into doing jigsaw puzzles... he loves them!
I had to help him at first, but now he can do a few (small) puzzles on his own. Every now and then, however, he'll struggle to fit a piece in, and he has a big old temper tantrum. One of my clients has been working through a difficult issue this week, and we’ve been messaging back and forth.
We got her to a much better place (hooray!), with action steps to take. Her last message to me simply said: “I appreciate you.” I was staying with my in-laws last year, and my father-in-law’s phone was lying next to me on the table.
A message came through, and his phone buzzed loudly. I looked over without thinking. And, as the phone wasn’t locked, I happened to see the message... As I mentioned last week, I don't have a ton of time to myself right now.
I have a toddler, and my business, and we've just moved house - and I'm still looking for random things that disappeared in the move... :) I haven’t written a blog post for a while. (Anyone else feel like they’re moving through mud with COVID?!)
We moved house a few weeks ago, and I underestimated how busy it would be. And how much stuff we have :) I’ve had some other things going on as well... Today I want to talk about success.
Because so often we think of success as the BIG things:
I haven't posted for a week or two. To be honest, I've been struggling with what to say. My creativity has really dried up.
The lockdown rollercoaster...
I don’t know about you, but my days are full of ups and downs right now. Sometimes I feel happy: I enjoy what I’m doing, and appreciate the moment. Other times I feel down - almost hopeless! I've been having a few issues in my personal life recently. Nothing major, but enough to cause some stress and upset.