Hey, action-taker! :)
Great to hear you're interested in our accountability program!
First things first, let's make sure the program is right for you and will be helpful.
Take a look at the sentences below, and confirm you are in agreement:
✔ I have a project or goal I want to accomplish/make progress on.
✔ I understand that in order to achieve success in this program, I need to be committed and I will take responsibility for doing the tasks I set myself.
✔ I understand that if I do all the tasks I set myself and take on board your feedback, you will refund my money if I haven’t made significant progress after 6 months.
First things first, let's make sure the program is right for you and will be helpful.
Take a look at the sentences below, and confirm you are in agreement:
✔ I have a project or goal I want to accomplish/make progress on.
✔ I understand that in order to achieve success in this program, I need to be committed and I will take responsibility for doing the tasks I set myself.
✔ I understand that if I do all the tasks I set myself and take on board your feedback, you will refund my money if I haven’t made significant progress after 6 months.
How it works:
- You will receive one email from me every Friday asking what you have done that week and what went well, what you would like to do next week and any other comments.
- I will reply to your email every Monday (although it may not be a lengthy reply every time). I will offer advice or suggestions where appropriate or requested, but I will not tell you what to do or when to do it. You know your own life and what is best for you. My job is to support you and encourage you as you move forward :)
- You don't have to spend long on the emails... they are designed to help you move forward, not give you extra work!
If this sounds right for you, I'd love to have you on board! Here are the next steps...
Registering for the program is easy:
- Fill out the form below. Remember that places may be limited, and are on a first come first served basis.
- Payment is via PayPal or bank transfer. (Canadian residents only: please message me if you would like to pay by e-transfer.)
- Shortly after your place has been confirmed, you will receive an information email with the final details you'll need about the program.
- You'll receive your first email the Friday after I receive your payment and registration. Your 6 months will start from this first Friday check-in email.
- Give yourself a pat on the back, grab a drink or brew a tea, and celebrate the fact that you are taking steps to move forward towards your goal!
Any questions? Let me know, and I'd be happy to help.
The best part of this program for me was having someone in my life that checked in every week about the project that is most important to me. Claire's focus on my goal helped me to stay focused. Claire genuinely cared about my work and celebrated every little bit I accomplished along the way.
I can hand on heart say I don't think I would have done half of what I did had I not had her weekly reminder and cheerleading.
Program participant
I made a ton of progress on my main project. I also launched and monetized a YouTube Channel for residual income. And I launched a new company for my day job that is now a maintenance project to give me the time and financing to focus more on my side hustle (so it can eventually replace my day job). I feel way more focused than when I first started this program. I've cut out a ton of distractions and that also feels like a huge win.
Program participant