The beautiful life dreams of Five Percent-ers...
Live and work in Buenos Aires (Julie, Vancouver) - Open and run a holisitic cafe (Kelly, Vancouver) -
Travel to every country in the world (Claire, Vancouver) - Move abroad (Simon, Berlin) - Become a film star (Michelle, LA) - Achieve success with my band (Bacchus, Vancouver) - Travel to every country in the world (Claire, Vancouver) - Move abroad (Simon, Berlin) - Become a film star (Michelle, LA) - Achieve success with my band (Bacchus, Vancouver) - Travel to every country in the world (Claire, Vancouver) - Move abroad (Simon, Berlin) - Become a film star (Michelle, LA) - Achieve success with my band (Bacchus, Vancouver) - Travel to every country in the world (Claire, Vancouver) - Move abroad (Simon, Berlin) - To be able to work from anywhere in the world - Achieve success with my band (Bacchus, Vancouver)
Travel to every country in the world (Claire, Vancouver) - Move abroad (Simon, Berlin) - Become a film star (Michelle, LA) - Achieve success with my band (Bacchus, Vancouver) - Travel to every country in the world (Claire, Vancouver) - Move abroad (Simon, Berlin) - Become a film star (Michelle, LA) - Achieve success with my band (Bacchus, Vancouver) - Travel to every country in the world (Claire, Vancouver) - Move abroad (Simon, Berlin) - Become a film star (Michelle, LA) - Achieve success with my band (Bacchus, Vancouver) - Travel to every country in the world (Claire, Vancouver) - Move abroad (Simon, Berlin) - To be able to work from anywhere in the world - Achieve success with my band (Bacchus, Vancouver)