I was hanging out with a professional organizer recently, and we got to talking about her business. I wanted to check out more of her work, so I asked if she had a blog. (I meant to say website, but wasn’t really thinking.)
When I asked, she looked super embarrassed, and stammered: “Umm, I don't have a blog just yet. I'm thinking about doing one, but the thing is, I don't really like writing... but I am going to start a blog soon.” This seemed like such a shame to me. Because why blog if you don't want to?! Why use writing as your medium for reaching people, if you hate writing? Just because one website says you “need” to have a blog, doesn't mean it's true! Just because someone else makes their living blogging, doesn't mean it's the right thing for you to do. I mean, if you love writing, go for it! Knock yourself out :) But don't do something if you don't enjoy it. There are so many other ways to reach people: podcasts, vlogs, YouTube videos, Facebook groups… Blogging is one of many tools we can use. It got me thinking about how often I hear this type of comment: “I need to be posting on Facebook, because I heard you need to for your business… even though I hate it.” But think about this: If you're doing something you hate, you're going to get sick of it pretty quickly. And you're probably not going to do a great job. So let go of the things you think you should do. And do the things you enjoy doing. For my professional organizer friend, she was producing videos on Facebook Live... and loving it! She did them well, she enjoyed it, and she got lots of views and likes. So if you're working on your side hustle or business, and doing something purely because you've been told you “need” to do it... stop a minute and question it. Check in with yourself: Is this the right thing for me to do? The more you do things you enjoy, the easier and more fun life will be! (And isn't that what we all want, at the end of the day?) Over to you... Are you doing something you don't really enjoy? Do you need to be doing it? Or are you doing it because someone else said you should do it? It's okay not to do what everyone else is doing. It’s okay NOT to be a blogger (or a podcaster, or an author)… It’s okay not to do yoga, drink coffee, or love craft beer. It’s even okay not to read, or watch movies, or own a TV :) In short, it’s okay to be you, the best way you can be. And as they say: you’re the best person at doing it, anyway! Here’s to us, in all our weirdness :) Claire ❤
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